Monday, January 11, 2010


it seems like the theme that runs through our age and gender at the point in our lives now is contentment. i feel like in every Christian circle, if i talk to a girl my age it is about contentment either in finding a job, finishing school, being in a relationship, etc. it might just be my speculation, but it seems like this is the case. it's cool, though, how we can relate to each other about these things and how we can encourage one another and build one another up with things the Lord shares with us in our walk with Him. claire- i loved what you shared in your last post...that has been recirculating over and over in my head how much i am always thinking, "well i'm just going to move to nashville for something different and to branch out!" even though i pray for the Lord's Will and for Him to open doors wherever He sees fit for me, i also have things in mind (jobs, places i will end up) that i want...which there's nothing wrong in praying specifically for, but i tend to put on my blinders and only focus on where i see myself and the motives behind them are selfish. but i loved that you talked about being content where you are...what does contentment really look like when it is lived out? i feel like i have so much to learn and grasp before i really understand and know what true contentment is like. there are so many areas where i don't feel content. anyway, i think especially this semester the Lord is weighing on my heart already to lean on Him and seek Him for contentment and figuring out where He wants me down the road.
i think i told ya'll about a sermon given by emily ozier about a chapter in joshua. and how she hates change in her life...but how joshua accepted that change and trusted God and God brought about great things because of that. i highly recommend that you listen to that is awesome. one of the things she talks about is how even in the midst of trials and difficult situations, Abraham's faith was built on nothing else but God. in hebrews 11:8-10 it says, "By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, NOT KNOWING WHERE HE WAS GOING. by faith he lived as an alien in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, dwelling in tents with isaac and jacob, fellow heirs of the same promise; for HE WAS LOOKING FOR THE CITY WHICH HAS FOUNDATIONS, WHOSE ARCHITECT AND BUILDER IS GOD". when i was listening to this lesson again this morning, i was thinking to myself how i am always so concerned with life and the future and what i'll be doing in 5,10,15 years. and i get so consumed with school, stresses of life, and worrying about petty things that i so often forget this life should not revolve around me. my thoughts, actions, words, etc should not be centered on myself, because this is not all there is if i am holding on to the hope and assurance that the kingdom of God is coming. how i long to live kingdom-minded! "For yet in a very little while, He who is coming WILL COME, and will not delay" hebrews 10:37.
as i was unloading the dishwasher last night at my house, i was thinking about how love is a choice and it is something that comes from Christ filling us and we first must allow Him to fill. but as i was unloading it, i was thinking love is basically about little choices...i didn't want to unload the dishwasher or fold kitchen towels that had come out of the dryer. my mom has had a stomach bug for a few days and still didn't feel good last night. but i was just thinking, we shouldn't feel like we HAVE to do things for people or that we are obligated. if we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we long to serve people and our joy comes from the love of God that fills us and that can overflow into every second of our lives. our Christian life does not consist of one or two days in the week where we go to church and then spend a few minutes with is our lives. it is how we spend our time every minute of the day, how we spend money, what we fill our minds with etc. And why wouldn't we want to make our entire lives about Him? He has given us hope, eternal and abundant life, joy, salvation, redemption through the death that He chose of His own Son. we should want to share that with the world! and unloading the dishwasher or serving someone in line before ourselves or offering our things to someone are all tiny miniscule ways we can and should live out our Christ-mindedness.
ok last thing---download the sermon on The Carefulness Factor by Taylor Park from to resources...sermons on-line...and download or listen to the one entitled this. amazing. i think every believer needs to hear this and apply.

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