Thursday, September 3, 2009

update v. kate.

yay. thanks danielle for pursuing this! God has gifted you so much in being such an encouragement to the people in your life. i'm very thankful for that! i'm sorry that i have done a poor job of keeping up! will you be coming to auburn anytime this fall? i want to come up to TN at some point... nashville, but maybe memphis could be a little detour.

thanks for sharing that man's story. i'm in the same boat as ya'll... regarding having to realize it's not about my plans, but His. i have to say... God has blessed me a lot this semester already! i am thankful for that. it's going to be busy and lots of decision making but to a certain degree i feel like this semester and hopefully year will be kind of like the calm after the storm. i feel like i've gone through this funnel of crazy sanctification and breaking and molding and dang, that hurts sometimes, you know? but, it's all for good.

ok, so for specifics. danielle, you'll appreciate that i am absolutely in love with RUF right now. i have to continually give it up, and pray that RUF gives it up... that it is all for God's glory. it's empowered by Him for Him. it's not about RUF. but He's blessed it and blessed me by it. i believe the community's strong. and maybe because i've never completely let myself go in it. i've never made it top priority. i've always contemplated, do i want to give time to ADPi, to crusade, to work, to this, to that. but i think this semester.... richard talks about this a lot with core group... you have to choose something that you can commit to, and i feel like i've simply chosen RUF. and i can rest in that. i've never been able to because everyone calls you in different directions. but i've always known RUF was my fave! it's just where i feel God would have me. i'm leading a sophomore girls' fellowship group with Meggie, the new intern. it's so fun! it's on 1 john and i am beyond thankful for that. it talks about how our fellowship with God is disrupted when we take so lightly our sin, when we are not repenting on a daily basis. and if we do not have a right relationship with God, we can not have a right relationship with others.

i am praying about what to do after college. i don't know if you ever even heard the China phase of my life... Danielle... but i'm in love with China and want to go there one day. well, i went for a week in the Spring. and i was certain i would go when i graduate, but the Lord has steered me from that. He gave me the conviction all last year, to the point that i even was able to go. i was sure of it this summer, but He kept shutting doors with certain organizations... i just never had a peace because of various situations and conversations. but, i'm still certain of the conviction. but, not now. in fact, i e-mailed the girl who i have been talking to at MTW, yesterday, to let her know i made my decision that i will not continue the application process. and i had a complete peace about it! but, haha... today i was working on a paper, and looking up stuff about london which led to the olympics which led to beijing... and this video with this song that they play everywhere in china! i watched this youtube video, and ya'll i just sat and bawled. i love China! and i thought, Lord, what happened? why not? but, i still have this peace that it will be in future, but not immediately. watch the video :)

thanks for the lyrics, sarah. i love how we always write lyrics... i love lyrics!

so, this is getting long and i simply wrote and update... no encouragement really... but i will try, try, try to be faithful and post something more later!

love ya'll.

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